Official Trailer 'Ellyas Pical | 21 Maret 2024 di Prime Video
9 views • Mar 22, 2024
Lahir di pulau terpencil dengan Keterbatasan ekonomi dan Keterbatasan fisik (akibat pendengarannya yang rusak karena bom ikan) membuat Ellyas kehilangan harapan akan masa depannya. Namun keahliannya berkelahi membuka jalan bagi Ellyas Pical untuk menjadi petinju. Di mulai dari meraih juara dalam pertandingan amatir hingga profesional. Hingga kemudian Ellyas Pical ingin mewujudkan ambisinya menjadi juara dunia.
Ellyas Pical
Born on a remote island with economic limitations and physical limitations (due to his hearing being damaged by a fish bomb) made Ellyas lose hope for his future. However, his fighting skills paved the way for Ellyas Pical to become a boxer. Starting from winning championships in amateur to professional matches. Until then, Ellyas Pical wanted to realize his ambition to become world champion.

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