【终极预告】陈坤辛芷蕾气场全开 相爱相杀《输赢 Win the Future》 主演:陈坤 | 辛芷蕾【欢迎订阅China Zone 剧乐部】
0 views • May 1, 2023
欢迎订阅【China Zone 剧乐部】 https://bit.ly/ChinaZoneDrama 《输赢》完整版: https://bit.ly/3yL1X9y 《输赢》预告&花絮:https://bit.ly/32ptwJh 《输赢》看点&特辑:https://bit.ly/32sdAq0 【剧情简介】 该剧以中国互联网发展浪潮为时代背景,讲述以销售精英周锐、骆伽为代表的年轻职场人如何在职场困境、生活重压和情感选择中艰苦奋斗、坚持理想,最终赢得人生的故事。捷科公司销售总监周锐临危受命赴京开拓北京市场,销售界素有“南周锐、北骆伽”的两人在商场中狭路相逢,在血雨腥风的对垒中,周锐和骆伽相爱相杀,成为亲密敌人。故事生动形象地展现当下职法则和销售技巧,刻画了一群青春阳光、意气风发的当代年轻人群像,充分彰显了时代新青年的精神风貌,弘扬个人的赢不是赢,行业共赢、科技兴国才是真正的赢的利他精神。 #陈坤 #辛芷蕾 #输赢 【更多会员专享剧集】 《谋圣鬼谷子》会员专享版:http://bit.ly/320Yfqt 《恋爱先生》会员专享版:https://bit.ly/3Ac2u4H 《上阳赋》会员专享版:http://bit.ly/2Kc3AYY 《放弃我,抓紧我》会员专享版:https://bit.ly/3ADlVCz 《温暖的弦》会员专享版: https://bit.ly/3anwn6H 《西游记》会员专享版: https://bit.ly/3ftN4yb 【更多好剧推荐】 ※热播好剧※ 《放弃我,抓紧我》https://bit.ly/3lzW7Tm 《温暖的弦》https://bit.ly/3sxNdWV 《浪花一朵朵》 https://bit.ly/3gnekkQ 《恋爱先生》https://bit.ly/3waIV9v 《上阳赋》http://bit.ly/3onUmrB 《风起霓裳》http://bit.ly/3iMRX7B 《海洋之城》http://bit.ly/3rdRPAA 《秀丽江山之长歌行》https://bit.ly/34Ce6kf ※权谋巅峰※ 《琅琊榜》https://bit.ly/2Jn3ZmN 《大将军司马懿之军师联盟》http://bit.ly/2sx8gx3 《大将军司马懿之虎啸龙吟》http://bit.ly/2PMQ4uQ 《回到明朝当王爷之杨凌传》http://bit.ly/3942tST ※古装经典※ 《陆贞传奇》http://bit.ly/2MlijhY 《美人心计》http://bit.ly/2PVMNKq 《楚乔传》https://bit.ly/37TCq0p ※青春偶像※ 《幸福触手可及》https://bit.ly/2TdaIpj 《鳄鱼与牙签鸟》http://bit.ly/2Ocld97 《克拉恋人》http://bit.ly/2ZkPO9M 《旋风少女》https://bit.ly/2XHBtp2 ※都市情感※ 《在远方》https://bit.ly/2xzClBe 《大丈夫》https://bit.ly/2QcFvzE ※良心口碑※ 《在一起》https://bit.ly/2S4U5v4 《最美逆行者》https://bit.ly/3bYR0Wm 《大宅门》http://bit.ly/2vJZ5Ml 《金粉世家》https://bit.ly/2zEnFyQ 【China Zone系列频道】 China Zone 流金岁月 https://bit.ly/ChinaZoneClassicChannel China Zone - English https://bit.ly/ChinaZoneEnglishChannel China Zone - Español https://bit.ly/ChinaZoneSpanish China Zone - Tiếng Việt https://bit.ly/ChinaZoneVietnam China Zone - العربية https://bit.ly/ChinaZoneArabic China Zone - Indo https://bit.ly/ChinaZoneIndonesian China Zone - Hindi https://bit.ly/ChinaZoneHindi China Zone - Pусский https://bit.ly/ChinaZoneRussian China Zone - Français https://bit.ly/ChinaZoneFrench China Zone - မြန်မာ https://bit.ly/ChinaZoneBurmese China Zone - Worldwide https://bit.ly/ChinaZoneWorldwide China Zone - ភាសាខ្មែរ https://bit.ly/ChinaZoneCambodian China Zone - 少儿 https://bit.ly/ChinaZoneCartoon China Zone - 纪录片 https://bit.ly/ChinaZoneDocumentary China Zone - 丝路共同体 https://bit.ly/3hk5Ri1
Win The Future
Having met with overwhelming success as a regional sales director at Jieke, a major multi-national company poised to claim a lion’s share of the Chinese market, Zhou Rui is thrilled when he learns his business acumen has granted him a huge promotion. Deprived of the sales team he personally trained, Zhou Rui has only his most trusted aide, Fang Wei beside him. To make matters worse, Zhou Rui has recently been assigned an impossible task, with an equally impossible deadline. With pressure mounting from his boss, Zhou Rui’s only hope of survival lies in landing a huge deal with one of the country’s most prestigious banks. As if to add insult to injury, Zhou Rui soon learns that heading up the opposition’s cutthroat team is none other than his first love, Luo Jia.

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