【TRAILER】天王助理 Assistant of Superstar | 当偶像天王遇上古典才女,欢萌开杠等你来看! | 孙泽源/卢洋洋/陈鹏万里/王路晴/徐鹤尼 | 都市爱情
0 views • May 1, 2023
💌加入会员:http://bit.ly/youkumembership 提前收看💌 【天王助理 Assistant of Superstar】古典文学系高材生尉迟杳杳因一次阴差阳错的偶遇与超级巨星由曦结下梁子。由曦人前阳光可亲光芒万丈,私下暴躁傲娇强迫症,由于文学素养欠佳,被业界传奇魏然导演怒斥空有流量不配出演自己的作品,经纪公司只好找到学霸杳杳做其助理兼文学老师。无法脱身的杳杳只得硬着头皮上岗,希望帮助由曦尽早提升文学水平协助其拿下魏然导演的男一号角色。性格与习惯严重不对付的二人起初相看两厌,由曦觉得杳杳是一个与现代生活格格不入的怪咖,杳杳认为由曦是个自大任性的绣花枕头,相处过程冲突不断,从此开启了从互怼到互助的爆笑斗法日常。 主演:孙泽源/卢洋洋/陈鹏万里/王路晴/徐鹤尼/韩丹/孔小铭/张桐/姚峻哲/小爱/谢兴阳/肖宇梁 集数:24集 加入会员:http://bit.ly/youkumembership 提前收看 #优酷 #YOUKU #天王助理 #AssistantofSuperstar 💗关注优酷频道,更多精彩节目等你来盘!💗 YOUTUBE YOUKU: https://bit.ly/youkuofficial YOUTUBE YOUKU SHOW: http://bit.ly/youkushow YOUTUBE YOUKU MOVIE: http://bit.ly/youkumovie YOUTUBE YOUKU ANIMATION: https://bit.ly/youkuanimation YOUTUBE YOUKU DOCUMENTARY: https://bit.ly/youkudocumentary YOUTUBE YOUKU English: http://bit.ly/youku_EN YOUTUBE YOUKU Thailand: http://bit.ly/youku_TH YOUTUBE YOUKU Arabic: http://bit.ly/youku_ARAB YOUTUBE YOUKU Español : http://bit.ly/youku_ESP YOUTUBE YOUKU Indonesia: http://bit.ly/youku_ID YOUTUBE YOUKU Vietnam: http://bit.ly/youku_VN YOUTUBE YOUKU ROMANCE: http://bit.ly/youkuromance YOUTUBE YOUKU SUSPENSE :http://bit.ly/youkususpense YOUTUBE YOUKU 优酷华语剧场 : http://bit.ly/youkuhuayu 💗关注优酷海外媒体账号获取更多最新资讯!💗 FACEBOOK YOUKU: https://bit.ly/youkufb INSTAGRAM YOUKU: http://bit.ly/youkuins TWITTER YOUKU: http://bit.ly/youkutwt 更多甜宠剧,等你追! 《今生有你》:https://bit.ly/3qE8QXK 《君九龄》:https://bit.ly/3mMQUam 《我的砍价女王》:https://bit.ly/3iXoOb4 《我的巴比伦恋人》:https://bit.ly/2YCm63D 《舍我其谁》:https://bit.ly/3vvHmEp 《最酷的世界》:https://bit.ly/3n63cLh 《机智的上半场》:https://bit.ly/3G6mA34 《你好,火焰蓝》:https://bit.ly/3mYjaa2 《你微笑时很美》:https://bit.ly/3pl4F2H 《我的邻居长不大》:https://bit.ly/2XtOZil 《我的刺猬女孩》:https://bit.ly/3DFjBwQ 《紧急公关》:https://bit.ly/3DWvzCb 《我的狐仙老婆》:https://bit.ly/3BZ0MUX 《绝世千金完结篇》:https://bit.ly/3pjGZMv 《一千零一夜》:https://bit.ly/3pp2j3b
Assistant of Superstar
Wang Yu Xi may be an incredibly handsome and wildly popular superstar but beneath that shining exterior lies a deeply buried secret: he has never really received a quality education. As such, he spends his days living uncomfortably close to the borders of illiteracy. While Yu Xi is usually able to hide his shortcomings, there are times when he fails miserably; the most recent being his botched interview for an important role in an upcoming project. With his need for a tutor now glaringly obvious, his company has no choice but to find him one, but the search is proving to be more difficult than anyone originally imagined. Working as a tutor at a local agency, Wei Chi Yao has always dreamed of becoming a teacher but the challenges of turning that dream into reality have been difficult to overcome. When asked to take on the role of a superstar’s teacher, Chi Yao can’t seem to find a way to refuse. But having a severe phobia of crowds makes working with Yu Xi incredibly difficult.

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